Blaza - Crimson clover

The fastest annual legume

  • Crimson clover.
  • Shows good early vigour.
  • Offers excellent winter and early spring production.
  • Adapted to a large range of soil types, especially lighter soils.
  • Suitable for light grazing, silage/hay and green manure mixtures.
  • Excellent pioneering plant, especially on acid soils.

Crimson clover is a native species of Southern Europe and is characterized by its early germination and vigour. The seed coat of the species is very permeable and germination may occur with the lightest rain after the seeds have matured. Crimson clover is mainly used as a green feed or early hay crop in Europe, parts of the United States, Australia and South America (Argentina). It can be used in mixtures with Lolium multiflorum. Also can be sown early in combination with wheat or oats for grazing.


Blaza characteristics

Rainfall required: 450mm+

pH-range (CaCl2): 4,5 – 7,5

Flowering: Mid-season

Self-regeneration: Low

Growth habit: Erect

Establishment: Very fast

Application: Mainly silage/hay, light grazing

Sowing rate: 4-10 kg/ha, in mix with grasses and legumes


Crimson clover
Annual clovers

Annual clover offers a range of grazing, hay and silage options with multiple benefits including nitrogen fixation, weed control rotations and disease breaks. The addition to grass or hay can increase feed quality, protein content and provide nitrogen for grass or cereal growth.

Annual clover offers a range of grazing, hay and silage options with multiple benefits including nitrogen fixation, weed control rotations and disease breaks. The addition to grass or hay can increase feed quality, protein content and provide nitrogen for grass or cereal growth.

Annual clover offers a range of grazing, hay and silage options with multiple benefits including nitrogen fixation, weed control rotations and disease breaks. The addition to grass or hay can increase feed quality, protein content and provide nitrogen for grass or cereal growth.