
Perfect companion in ryegrass mixtures

  • Late heading Timothy.
  • Variety with excellent persistency.
  • Good competition ability with perennial ryegrass.
  • Excellent dry matter yields.
  • Officially listed in: Germany, The Netherlands, Croatia.
  • Nordic climate
  • Continental climate
  • Oceanic climate
  • Mediterranean climate

Barpenta is a late heading, very persistent timothy variety. Barpenta shows excellent winter hardiness and good adaptation to different climatic areas. Barpenta is very palatable grass and plays a role in the prevention of rumen acidosis problems. The variety is suitable for both cutting management and grazing systems.


Barpenta has been adopted to the German national list with excellent notes:





Phleum pratense

Palatability and superior winter hardiness are its most important features. It does very well on wet, peaty and heavy textured soils. Establishment of this species is rather slow, summer production often limited. Timothy tolerates a cutting management well.

Palatability and superior winter hardiness are its most important features. It does very well on wet, peaty and heavy textured soils. Establishment of this species is rather slow, summer production often limited. Timothy tolerates a cutting management well.

Palatability and superior winter hardiness are its most important features. It does very well on wet, peaty and heavy textured soils. Establishment of this species is rather slow, summer production often limited. Timothy tolerates a cutting management well.

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