
The Iceman

  • Late timothy.
  • Stable yield.
  • Excellent winter hardiness.
  • High quality (high energy value).
  • Suitable for hay and silage production and also for grazing.
  • Officially listed in: Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Russia.
  • Nordic climate
  • Continental climate
  • Oceanic climate
  • Mediterranean climate

Tuukka is timothy variety that is suitable for cultivation in the whole area of cold winters. Tuukka is released 1993 in national list of Finland and 2001 to Russia. Tuukka is fairly late Northern type of timothy. Winter hardiness of Tuukka has been extremely good throughout Finland. Also in registration trials in Russia Tuukka has shown really good winter hardiness. It is suitable for silage and hay production and it is also very good variety for grazing. Tuukka is very stable variety and its productivity as compared to the other varieties, increases as the field ages. The yield of the first cut is high and regrowth is average. Tuukka produces forage with first-class quality. The feature that best describes feeding value, the digestibility, is good. Protein content of Tuukka is also high.

Phleum pratense

Palatability and superior winter hardiness are its most important features. It does very well on wet, peaty and heavy textured soils. Establishment of this species is rather slow, summer production often limited. Timothy tolerates a cutting management well.

Palatability and superior winter hardiness are its most important features. It does very well on wet, peaty and heavy textured soils. Establishment of this species is rather slow, summer production often limited. Timothy tolerates a cutting management well.

Palatability and superior winter hardiness are its most important features. It does very well on wet, peaty and heavy textured soils. Establishment of this species is rather slow, summer production often limited. Timothy tolerates a cutting management well.

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