

Can I mix clover with grass? [Top]

Yes, this is recommended with a slow-growing grass mixture such as Mow Saver. Traditional grass mixtures can be overpowering and this can push out the clover plants. It is recommended to sow the seeds at the correct depth of 0.5 cm.


Do I need to fertilise before sowing clover? [Top]

No, not at all. Clover thrives best on soil that is as meagre as possible. Fertilising is not recommended before or after seeding.


Can you overseed an existing lawn with clover? [Top]

This is possible, provided a number of conditions are met. In an existing lawn, it is very important to create enough space for the clover plants. This can be done by scarifying at a setting that is not too deep. Scarify the area two or three times in different directions. Make sure that fertiliser has not been used for some time, as clovers prefers the most meagre soil environment possible.