RPR Grass Technology - Strong as Iron

Golf courses that are as strong as iron

Damage to your golf course is something you want to prevent. And RPR grass technology helps you do just that. RPR is a Regenerating Perennial Ryegrass that develops determinate stolons. It is the first perennial ryegrass variety with this particular quality. Before the introduction of RPR, only smooth-stalked meadow grass presented this advantage. The determinate stolons make RPR many times stronger than other perennial ryegrass varieties, while still growing as fast. The outcome is a regenerating perennial ryegrass with excellent wear tolerance and close mowing tolerance. Combined with fine-leaved perennial ryegrass, RPR is very suitable for fairways and tees.  

Determinate stolons


Determinate stolons, sometimes called “runners”, are growth shoots emerging from auxiliary buds at the base of each plant. When a RPR plant gets room in damaged turf, determinate stolons will grow horizontally into the empty area and develop roots at the internodes. In fact RPR creates a natural network of stolons, like a kind of netting, giving it the highest wear tolerance. Instead remaining separate, like traditional perennial ryegrass, each RPR plant connects to other plants and into the top layer of the soil.

The stolons in RPR form a natural network of horizontal shoots: a kind of netting in the sward that makes for excellent wear tolerance. Whereas a sward of traditional perennial ryegrass consists of individual grass plants, the RPR grass plants are all connected to other plants and to the soil.

Thanks to RPR grass technology, no turf will be easily damaged by golf clubs. Turf quality also remains high, even when subjected to haevy punishment and after being struck with great force. Tees and fairways retain a dense sward that can stand up to intensive use and is divot-resistant.

More about 'determinate stolons' or RPR grass technology

Golf courses as strong as iron 

rpr strong

Golf tees and fairways are being used more and more intensively, with the associated risk of more damage to the golf course. Recovery is often all but impossible as ordinary grass mixtures are not self-regenerating. Enhancing existing mixtures with RPR technology results in speed and strength, and golf courses that are as strong as iron. Barenbrug offers two different mixtures that can both be mown to 10 mm without adversely affecting the grass’s strength or self-regenerating ability.


"RPR creates a sward that is ready for use in less than no time. It’s stronger and more resistant to diseases.

Alexandre Ragonnet, superintendent, Golf Terre Blanche (FR)

Preventing annual meadow grass


RPR germinates very quickly and is as strong as smooth meadow grass, reducing the risk of the establishment of the undesired annual meadow grass. The advantage of this is a denser, better-rooting sward that requires less fertilisers and water. Trials have shown that the use of the RPR® Golf Extreme mixture can decrease the growth of annual meadow grass by 20% within two months after seeding. 

Because RPR can be seeded so early, you can enjoy a green sward for longer. The mixture enhanced with RPR technology combines strength and speed, minimises damage to your golf course and guarantees a year-round dense sward for your tee or fairway.

More information about Annual meadow grass

"The rooting and determinate stolons of RPR make for a much stronger sward and the grass also grows a lot faster.

Marco Mooren, greenkeeper, Rosendaelsche Golfclub in Arnhem (NL)