Crusader - White clover

The ideal grazing type

  • Large leaved
  • Medium leaved
  • Small leaved
  • Ladino type (very large leaved)

Crusader is a medium leaved variety, especially selected for its high yields and improved grazing performance in relation to its leaf size. The leaf size of Crusader is the borderline between the medium and the small leaved groups.


Exceptional grazing yield

Crusader has exceptional annual dry matter yields and ground cover under defoliation management. The first cut dry matter yields are very impressive and outclassing all other varieties in its category. Crusader has an extremely long growing season and exceptional early and late season growth. This makes it ideal for all intensive grazing swards.


High spring growth

In general, the start of the spring growth of white clover is very slow. In grass clover swards the clover content therefore is usually unsatisfactory due to the lack of competition with grasses.  Crusader however, has a very high spring growth and therefore the variety is capable to give exceptional yields in the first spring cut.


Persistent in areas with mild winters

Crusader has increased stolon density, giving it excellent persistency under cutting or rotational grazing management and a high level of persistency under cutting management. Crusader performs best in areas with mild winters.

White clover
Small / Medium
White clover

White clover is a perennial legume which spreads by branching stolons through the sward. It has the ability to produce its own nitrogen through a symbiotic process with rhizobium bacteria in the root nodules. White clover is mainly used in grazing leys for its high nutritive value.

White clover is a perennial legume which spreads by branching stolons through the sward. It has the ability to produce its own nitrogen through a symbiotic process with rhizobium bacteria in the root nodules. White clover is mainly used in grazing leys for its high nutritive...

White clover is a perennial legume which spreads by branching stolons through the sward. It has the ability to produce its own nitrogen through a symbiotic process with rhizobium bacteria in the root nodules. White clover is mainly used in grazing leys for its high nutritive value.