NutriHerb Management manual

Cows eating NutriHerb

Multi-species grasslands demand distinct cultivation and maintenance strategies compared to traditional grasslands. The management approach also varies based on soil type. The subsequent guidelines will facilitate the successful cultivation of grasslands enriched with fodder herbs.


Clean field Choose a field with low weed pressure or use a false sowing bed.
pH Adjust pH (sand > 5.5 ; clay > 6.0).
Fertilising Do not fertilise the field before sowing. This prevents the herbs from competing with the grass during establishment and early growth.
Sowing bed  Create an even firm sowing bed.


Sowing period April or from mid-August to mid-September.
Seed rate NutriHerb soft-leaf tall fescue 60 kg per ha.
NutriHerb perennial ryegrass 45 kg per ha.
Adding extra clover If you want to fertilise the crop as little as possible or if you have poor sandy soil, you can choose to add extra clover to NutriHerb. Best results are achieved with 3 kilos of Quartet white clover.
Mixing Mix the seeds regularly during sowing to prevent them from separating (at least once every hectare).
Sowing depth     0.5 – 1 cm. Use a Cambridge roller to press the seed well into the soil.
Row distance Max. 8 cm.
Overseeding Reseeding is preferable to overseeding. For overseeding use 25 kg NutriHerb Perennial Ryegrass per ha.


Fertilisers By fertilising, you can influence the balance between herbs and grasses.
• 30 m3 slurry/cattle manure / per ha in spring.
• 15 m3 slurry/cattle manure per ha after the first cut.
• The use of nitrogen fertiliser depends on the intensity of use of the herb plot.
• Phosphate and potassium fertilization depends on soil condition and extraction.


Maintenance  Do not let the crop grow too old due to overgrowth, palatability and feed value.
• Alternating between mowing and grazing achieves the best results.
• Weed control is not possible.


Grazing Regular rotational grazing stimulates regrowth of clover.
• Do not let the crop head too much
Dry matter yield Not more than 45 % ds because of crumbling losses, we advise not to tedder.
Cutting height Min. 6 cm.
Ensiling Inoculant for better preservation and the prevention of heat generation
and mould.
Farmer and consultant

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