Where to buy in Malta

The portfolio of forage and turf seeds from Barenbrug is available through a network of specialized distributors, who also advise about the various applications. Export sales questions can be asked to Barenbrug Holland BV.

Dealer turf

I.V. Portelli & Sons Ltd.

85-86, St. Paul Street
Rabat RBT1240

Phone: (+356) 21454289
GSM:(+356) 79459909
E-mail: joeportelli@ivportelli.com
Website: www.ivportelliandsons.com
Social Media: facebook.com/ivportelliandsons

logo portelli

For export and sales questions
Barenbrug Holland BV

P.O.Box 1338 (visiting address: Stationsstraat 40) 
6501 BH  Nijmegen
The Netherlands

Phone: +31 24 348 81 00
Email: export@barenbrug.nl

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